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Ford's factory using ostrich feathers

 Ford factory using ostrich feathers from 40 years old car factory into a robotic wonderland of manufacturing technology why do you think them using it ?? i't's a strange staff to using in factory  
but ford had a reasons sure .now we will know why them using it on the cares in the bigest care .
factory in the world , it FORD'S CARES

At Ford's biggest European plant, in Spain's south-eastern coastal city of Valencia, it was $2.6bn (£1.7bn; €2.3bn) and a lot of ostrich feathers.
Journalists have now been allowed inside the factory for the first time to see what Ford claims is one of the "world's most advanced, flexible and productive" facilities.
But among all the hi-tech, it's low tech bird plumage that's the big talking point.
You see, ostrich feathers - as any professional cleaner knows - are darn good at collecting dust.

Robots now get learn to fall safelly

Robots in the new researchers in USA make robots protects them selves when they fall over , that  happened in Georgia institute of technology descover that the fall of robots my make them get damage its componentts and may cause damage to the people around them , then the new reserch will save the robots and the people .

She said the algorithm could help reduce the impact when a humanoid robot takes a tumble.
She hopes robots will eventually be able to learn how to recover from a fall.
Watch the video to see the algorithm in action when a robot gets pushed over.

star citizen space arrived a million players

star citizen space is one famous games in 2015 it arrived now to a million players it's a crowd -funded space simulation game , the game launched via kick starter in late time in 2012 and sought 500,000$ to development at the game started, supports given 93$m for developer making the game , the next   i ??release in the game will let players fly ships . are you know this game or played it before 

The involvement of veteran games maker Chris Roberts, best known for the Wing Commander series of games, drove interest in the project which had raised $24m by the time its Kickstarter campaign ended.
Since then, fund-raising has continued on the main Star Citizen site as people have paid to get early access to the game as it is developed, and by buying star ships they will eventually fly around its persistent virtual universe.
Early versions of part of the game have been released to give people an idea of what the finished product will be like.

adobe flash

 adobe flash release a new security flaw effect for all adobe versions , after a day of adobe update adobe release a new discover of security flaw in lash player that effect in every version already           running on all systems ( Macintosh-windows - Linux )so are you think that will be great move from 
adobe ?? 

Adobe said Thursday that it will issue an out-of-cycle security update next week to address the software plug-in's vulnerability, which it warned could crash and potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system. The bug was discovered earlier this week by researchers at Trend Micro.
"Adobe is aware of a report that an exploit for this vulnerability is being used in limited, targeted attacks. Adobe expects to make an update available during the week of October 19," the company said in its advisory.
The San Jose, California-based software maker did not immediately respond to a request for more information on the vulnerability.
The vulnerability in the widely used plug-in is already being used in phishing attacks launched by cyberespionage group Pawn Storm against a variety of governments, according to Trend Micro. Active since 2007, the group is known to have targeted governments in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, as well NATO organizations, the White House and US media, Trend Micro reported.
Adobe's Flash was once the de facto standard for websites to run games, stream video and deliver animation over browser software. It has fallen out of favor, however, with many tech companies and organizations, which deride the plug-in as a battery hog and security vulnerability. In its heyday, Flash ran on more than 800 million mobile phones manufactured by 20 handset makers. Its popularity has waned in recent years as more in the online video industry turn to HTML5, a developing language that can run graphics without plug-ins.

kepler find it at last

Kepler the space probe has detect a strange light distant star make people and scientific professors woozy and started asking them selves if that aliens or just particles of asteroid ?, that is a big question need a lot of thinking or it just a technical glitch , what you think my dear reader ??, is technical glitch or one of other staff ,

The only sure thing about the star, called KIC 8462852, seems to be uncertainty.

Spotted by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope in 2009, the strange light pattern emitted from the star has puzzled many over the years, The Atlantic reported.

“You see all sorts of weird stuff in space, but you start to recognize general patterns and can attribute certain shapes of light curves to different phenomena, but this star was unlike anything we’d ever seen,” Tabetha Boyajian, a postdoctoral fellow at Yale specializing in astronomy, told USA TODAY Network.

Kepler hunts for Earth-like planets in the Milky Way Galaxy and since launching in 2009 has found over a thousand planets. The planet-hunting telescope monitors the brightness of stars and looks for tiny dips in light patterns that could signify an orbiting planet.

But while there is a consistent pattern for many stars, the light pattern emitting from KIC 8462852 doesn't follow the normal model.

Several years ago, the star was flagged as "interesting," by members of Planet Hunters, a group that relies on citizen scientists to analyze Kepler data, according to Boyajian, who oversees the group. 


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